"Always remember your focus determines your reality". George lucas.
As the course of evolution spirals upward and downward, collective humanity witnesses glorious times, and horrific ones. The need to go to extremes, and then to course-correct in order to restore balance, seems an integral function of the human psyche. While what we see around us globally on a daily basis may turn our stomach and make us sick with anxiety, sadness, and fear, we can do something about it. Perhaps, everything that is falling apart around us is doing so for good reason; it simply has to go.
If life has gotten away from you, if the demands upon you are making you feel overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, and/or deeply concerned about the future, if your work-life balance is unfairly skewed away from quality time with yourself, your family, your interests and hobbies, and/or your community, then it’s time to stop and refocus on what’s most important to you and find a way back to all that really matters. The idea is to evaluate what you’re actually doing with and for yourself every day, determine how essential it is to you, and make the necessary changes that best accommodate your needs, interests, and desires.
Here are some essential things to consider when you decide to refocus your attention in order to determine what is most important in your life, and how to get there.
Determine what things you value the most about your life.
Choose five of these as a starting point, a basic model around which to structure the life you are trying to create. When you consciously make these choices you remind yourself what things in your life you can’t and won’t do without. These represent the backbone of your life. All too often we forget what people and events have shaped and continue to shape our lives. They mold us into the people we are and the people we want to become. They support and encourage us in every possible way.
Decide what commitments are most important to you.
Evaluate which commitments are in keeping with the five things you value the most about your life. Commitments are obligations that you enter into and represent your promise to steadfastly see a relationship/project/contract to its conclusion. Keep your essential commitments, renegotiate them if necessary, but consider completing the existing commitments you’re obligated to complete and refuse to take on any new ones. That way you focus on those commitments that are most essential to you and your life.
Explore your options:
So what can you do when you feel like you’ve lost your focus or direction? One thing to do is engage in what I call a natural brain activity two-step.
Our brains undergo two types of thought processes that occur naturally, but we often don’t use them as astutely we could.
Divergent Thinking: The first step is to stop and dump all of your ideas for what to do next. Divergent thinking means getting creative and exploring all the options in front of you. Get every possible option, no matter how unlikely, out on the table by writing them down, listing them in a spreadsheet, or drawing a mind map.
Convergent Thinking: This step uses your analytical mind to choose the best available option. Since you’ve done the creative work, you can switch to assessing the value of each idea. Take a look at everything you’ve uncovered, and pick the one or two options that suggest the best steps to move forward.
Accept uncertainty: Discovery vs knowing:
You don’t need to know everything right now. When life feels out of focus, allow yourself the opportunity to discover.
Having to know it all will keep you stuck in a stagnant place. Open your heart and your mind to explore new avenues, grow, and experiment. This will guide you successfully through to the next chapter.
Embrace the The AAA formulae: Acceptance,Awareness and Action.
Awareness: Stop and be willing to look at yourself.
Acceptance: Accept whatever comes to the surface when you look at yourself.
Action: Then — and do this only after awareness and acceptance — take inspired action, which will take you toward what you want to create.
We need to be willing to stop the car, step out and get a new view. If you keep pressing the gas pedal, it doesn’t matter if it’s a Ferrari, it’s going to burn out. It needs to be maintained in order to be a safe ride.
It’s not enough to just drive the Ferrari and get to the end of the road. We also have to learn how to enjoy the ride: look at the scenery, feel the steering wheel, admire the instrument panel. Because wherever you go, you take yourself with you.
Words from Instadoses:
Work for a cause, not for applause. Live life to express not to impress, don't strive to make your presence noticed just make your absence felt because in the end you have just you and you only.
Images credit: Google images
What are other things that have helped you in these trying times, let me know below and dont forget to share..
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