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10 Things You Need to Understand About Self Motivation

Often, a lot of us find ourselves in motivational slumps that we need to escape. Sometimes it resembles a continuous cycle where we are motivated for a while, fall out and afterward need to build things back once more. This vicious cycle can be harmful to a person’s life, work, and relationships too.

Self-motivation can be lost due to a wide variety of reasons and factors. This could be dissatisfaction at work or a horrible boss, difficulty in personal and professional relationships, financial constraints, family issues or health issues. 

Demotivation has also become very common in youngsters too. It results from studies, inability to cope with pressure, exam stress, education loans or fear of unemployment which can lead to depression and when not curbed can lead to moodiness and all sort of anti social behaviors.Motivation is gained or lost due to deeply personal issues.

There is nothing more imperative for self-motivation than the correct attitude. You can’t pick or control your situation, yet you can pick your attitude towards your circumstances. 

Famous American inspirational orator and author, Dr. Stephen R. Brood once commented: “Inspiration is a fire from within. If another person attempts to light that fire under you, odds are it will burn quickly.”

How Would You Characterize Motivation? 

There are two distinct kinds of motivation: 

  • Intrinsic Motivation which originates from within ourselves. 
  • Extrinsic Motivation that is derived from an outside source, for example, a companion, partners, seniors at the workplace, religious or spiritual leaders, spouse, kids, or any other source.

Basically, motivation can be depicted as a reason or cause by which an individual or a group of individuals behave in a specific way. The reason or cause must be very strong, and it often involves personal interests. 

Here are a few things you need to understand to develop your Self-Motivation Plan:

1.Setting a Goal

Defining an objective for yourself is a tried and tested technique to stay motivated. In any case, it is necessary to set practical and attainable goals. Set yourself a deadline by which you expect to accomplish these objectives. 

There are three kinds of goals: 

  • Short-term goals: These might be accomplished in 15 days or a few months. 
  • Mid-term goals: These typically take a year or two to accomplish.
  • Long-term objectives: Here you can include your career, plans for marriage, purchasing a home or anything that takes a longer period of time. 

“All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to go and what he wants to be or do. ” – Norman Vincent Peale

If you are concerned about the time its going to take to attain a goal, its going to come and pass anyways so why not start now. 

2. Money Matters 

In any case, money does make a difference in staying motivated. While we are not talking about a very large sum of money, you should have adequate funds to lead a decent life. This is an excellent motivator. You can begin by saving a substantial part of your pay daily or monthly. 

3. Get Rid of Any Loans

Without a doubt, people burdened with loans show a propensity to lose motivation. The explanation is straightforward: A substantial part of your profit will go towards clearing any debt or loans you have. Avoid taking credit, except under specific circumstances.

4. Mingle with Constructive Individuals 

Mostly, people with a positive attitude and disposition are the best motivators. Despite your circumstances, they will consistently attempt to elevate your perspective. Such positive-minded individuals will inspire you regardless of whether you are feeling low and depressed. Further, if you experience negative thoughts, talk with such individuals to get a different perspective.

5. Value Yourself First 

Whenever you lose inspiration, think about all the positive stuff you have done before and think about the good things you have had. Similarly, recollect all the unpleasant occasions you have experienced and how you cruised through them safely. Valuing yourself for your accomplishments is an incredible motivator.

6. Use Mistakes as Experiences 

This implies gaining from your past mistakes, on the grounds that as people we are inclined to missteps because of innate imperfections or flaws in our character. Keep in mind, mistakes don’t last, and they are essential lessons for us. The vast majority of people will lose motivation when things go astray and favorable outcomes are not inevitable. 

7. Inspect Your Motive 

The path to motivation lies in our thought process itself. If your motives are good, motivation follows automatically. Still, be careful because the wrong motive can prompt a lack of motivation which can land even the most steady and calm individual into a major dilemma. When your motives are certain and clear, motivation comes naturally. 

8. Dont compare yourself with others

  This is a major problem or issue humans face, the desire to be perfect, measuring other people's life as a benchmark for theirs. An average human faces this issue same as myself and social media plays a huge factor in this like instagram. Instagram is a place where everybody's life seems perfect, where everybody wants to have a sense of superiority. So I advice you to stay off instagram because most of the people on Instagram live fake lives. So just be yourself because you are the best version of yourself, and nobody else can be like you.

9. Decide to be Happy 

Currently, this may seem like a difficult task for anybody experiencing unfavorable circumstances. However, it is beneficial to take note of each terrible circumstance that consistently passes. 

Know that each unfortunate circumstance will in the end disappear. Losing motivation won’t help take care of any issue and neither will be stressing over something. You can maintain your motivation with the sheer idea that each issue is short. 

“The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don’t have.” –  Woody Allen

10. Chart Your Path

Sadly, most people begin a journey or endeavor without much regard for the final result. Instead, you can chart your own path. Take stock about how you want to start and why. This in itself is a big motivational factor. Simultaneously, keep in mind what is the precise goal or the end where your journey should come to a full circle. Be fearless in the pursuit of your dreams and goals and never give up. 

  When you set your mind on anything, you can achieve it.


It is worth remembering that at some point or the other, we all lose motivation in our lives. It is perfectly normal and nothing to be ashamed or worried about. However, when one is feeling low or demotivated, one should try to analyze the causes of losing motivation, understanding its reasons, and finding ways to counter it.


                        Image credit: google images

How do you motivate yourself to push forward? Share your thoughts with us below!


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