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Being healthy should be a part of our lifestyles. Living a healthy lifestyle keeps you away from diarrhoea, sugar and other chronic diseases like cancer,diabetes etc. Taking care of your health and feeling good for yourself is absolutely very important for our self-esteem. Health occupies an important place in the life of a human being. All such type of exercises play an important role in the development of the human personality. These exercises are no less than food and fresh water. These type of exercises create Cheerfulness, Discipline, fellowship and also builds the cinfidence of a person. It is very essential for every person to take care of their health. People should know the fact that health comes first. As we all know the famous proverb that HEALTH IS WEALTH. It's very important to take care of your health and diet. If you are on your exercise routine you must take care of your diet first. Today we are going to discuss the impacts of physical activities on our body and health. Physical activities do have long term health benefits. Here are some exercises that you must do in the morning or anytime of the day. These exercises will absolutely make you feel very lighter.


Yoga is an art which connects our body, soul and mind together. Yoga makes us powerful and peaceful. Every adult should practice Yoga because it keeps them fit and smart. It maintains both physical and mental health. A fresh mind can concentrate and can do anything in a very good way. Yoga makes you feel better. Practicing the yoga postures and medication makes your body feel healthier than before. Yoga has more than one benefits.  It helps us to connect to the nature. Your body becomes more flexible when you consistently practice Yoga and develop a sense of self - discipline in you. Yoga removes the anxiety of the person as well. Yoga also helps in increasing flexibility and muscle strength. Yoga will make you chill out and shape up. People with a lot of stress should also practice Yoga because it refreshes the mental health of a person. Infact, it's the best exercise


      PUSH UPS 

It's a type of exercise which can be performed at anywhere and at anytime. Pushups are not very easy to perform. It requires high energy and high stamina. It's the type of exercise which helps to boost your metabolism and provides you with maximum benefits. Pushups are just the perfect to build both upper - body and core strength. It's the best exercise for the chest. Although Pushups primarily focus on the chest muscles but it also helps burn the belly fat very quickly . Girls should perform a minimum of 27 push ups per day. Pushups are very effective in building our body strength which will help you to run faster. Pushups also result in increase our body flexibility. Pushups are quite helpful as it helps make your body strong. It's time to get ready and do some Pushups.  What are you waiting for?



Now, let's discuss about the morning walk. A lot of people don't know how important is morning walk for us. Morning walk makes the heart stronger. It's not that difficult like other exercises. All you have to do is wake up every morning and go for a walk in your nearby park or garden. You can reduce your risk of heart disease by briskly walking 30 minutes a day. Walking is an excellent way to improve our overall health. Moreover, it is phycological proven that just 30 minute of walk in the morning can refresh your mood for the rest of the day. Starting your day with a morning walk can set you up to make healthier choices throughout the day. A morning walk may help you lose your weight as a 30 minute of walk can burn about 150 calories. Just make sure to stay hydrated. And take a shower before and after of a 30 minutes of walk because it will keep you fresh.


Cycling is one of the favourite exercise for most of the people. Cycling works great for girls as it helps to build some physical activities in their lives. Cycling improves the overall health of a person . 30 minutes of cycling daily can lift your mood, improve your cardiovascular health and can do many benefits to your body. For firm thighs and shapely legs your cycle can be the best. Cycling provides a chance to breathe fresh air, to experience beautiful views, and to feel wind in hairs. Cycling can also reduce cancer and diabetes risk. Cycling can help you sleep better. And the most important is that it is not just an exercise, it's fun. A lot of people dont take cycling as an exercise they just do cycle riding for fun. Cycling on the other hand, is a very good way to lose the unwanted fat in the body. If you do cycle riding 30 minutes a day you would lose 11 pounds of fat in a year. 


Crunches are the abdominal exercise and is kind of hard to do. Crunches not only increase your abdominal muscle strength but they also strengthen your muscles. It involves the whole abs. If you want to work on your six packs, you have to do the heavy crunches. Exercises like Pushups also help to train your abs but crunches laser focus in on them . Crunches are also quite simple like Pushups but are hard. A ten minute of moderate crunch session can burn upto 54 calories. Crunches doesn't require any special gym equipment. All you need is a floor and a simple exercise mat. You can get a flat belly by doing crunches every morning. Crunches can lose your extra fats very quickly. Doing crunches in a wrong way may lead to some side effects. So make sure you do them in a right way. 

 "Your body is your most prized       possession. Take care of it."


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                                          ©AYESHA MUNIR


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