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"When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too."

                                                                   Have you reached a stage in your life where you are not satisfied with the way your life is going and you feel you need to change your actions, well you have come to the right place and we will teach you on why changing our actions is the shortcut to changing who we are. 

    Buckle up your seat belts and let's go on this life changing ride. Let's start by going down..Pun intended.

 What is Self-Improvement?

Let's define self-improvement. The definition of self-improvement is pretty self-explanatory: Self-improvement is the improvement of one's knowledge, status, or character by one's own efforts. It's the quest to make ourselves better in any and every facet of life.


Actions are often easier for you to change than an attitude or feeling, because it is something tangible. And, when you change actions, you influence your feelings. Finally, if you maintain your thinking on taking an action consistently, in spite of your feelings, then your feelings will eventually respond to your changed thinking and actions.

There's an old joke where a man says, "I really want to go to medical school, but it takes at least seven years--and I'll be 50 in seven years!" A wise friend replies, "And how old will you be in seven years if you don't go?"

If you're not where you want to be in your career--or, for that matter, in your life--never let yourself believe change is impossible. Don't allow your future to be limited by your age or your situation; stop being afraid of what might go wrong and start getting excited about what could go right.

Here are 5 ways you can begin right now to steer yourself toward a more fulfilled and happy life.

Forgo being a perfectionist. Perfect doesn't exist

Once you realize perfect doesn't exist, you can ease up on yourself. There's no harm in being wrong or making mistakes, as long as you're willing to make corrections. Just be yourself, flaws and all, and let people see the real you. Each of us is an imperfect human being, aware that we can't push away our failures and our flaws.

Forgive those who have hurt you but change who you surround yourself with.

You can improve your life just by changing the people you surround yourself with. If there are some who have brought negativity or hurt into your life, accept that those actions cannot be changed or undone or forgotten--only forgiven. Take it as a lesson learned and surround yourself with people who support you, guide you and make you better than you already are.

Don't compare your own life with anyone else's.

A big source of unhappiness is the idea that other people's lives are better or easier than yours. But when you compare your situation to that of others, you're comparing your complete reality to their surface. No matter how fantastic, how happy, how brilliant everything may seem on the outside, you never know what's going on the inside If you find yourself being jealous of someone, remember that people struggle with hardships and insecurities just as you do too.

Try something new to push yourself out of your comfort zone. 

When you’re making a big change in your life, you need to break free of your comfort zone to help you grow. The best way to do this is to start trying new things. Make a list of things you’ve always wanted to try, then start checking things off.

Your list might include things like, “Go to the new Thai restaurant,” “Go skydiving,” “Take an art class,” “Apply for an internship,” “Volunteer,” “Talk to a stranger at the grocery store,” “Fix my hair a different way,” and “Take a new route to work.”

Work out: Get in the sexiest most powerful shape of your life. The process of working out week in week out will change you. You will be confident, you will be disciplined. It might be hard for you to keep up in the long run, trust me i've been there and remember no gain without hard work.

Utilize the halo effect to your personal benefits.

Others include;

  • Read life changing books cause remember formal education will make you a living, self education will make you a fortune.

  • Learn to think for yourself.

  • Surround yourself with people who will tell you the truth.

  • Don't follow the crowd, follow your own way, do what you love.


Reinvention is an art. It is a process. It is not a "quick fix" or an "overnight solution." It is a deliberate practice, day in and day out, until you realize who it is who you want to be, you already were all along.

"genuine happiness can only be achieved when we transform our way of life from the unthinking pursuit of pleasure to one committed to enriching our inner lives, when we focus on "being more". Rather than simply having more".


   Image credits: Google images, Pinterest

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