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Death they say is inevitable, you never know when it will come calling. There are certain things you need to know before you die. well as they say Enjoy life!! There is plenty of time to be dead.. 

Without further ado let's delve into the contents.

  1. Never lend money to your friends, you will lose the money and the friendship

  2. Your friends could be friends with your enemies

  3. Readers are leaders

  4. Don't spend everything today with the hope to earn more tomorrow

  5. Never beg for love

  6. No one identifies with a poor person

  7. Stop thinking and start acting

  8. Be kind to people including animals

  9. Stay humble, nothing is worth bragging for

  10. Your best dress is someone's rag

  11. Live to no one's expectation, live according to your true self

  12. Learn to say YES/NO and mean it

  13. Own your mistakes, don't blame others for it.

  14. Work on yourself first

  15. Today is hard, tomorrow will be harder, the day after tomorrow will be sunshine

  16. When you stop learning you start dying

  17. Never leave for tomorrow what you have to do today

  18. Nothing you have is truly yours

  19. Things you attract are in correlation with what dominates your thoughts

  20. It is normal to make mistakes because you're advancing

  21. Experience isn't the best teacher, learn from other peoples' experiences

  22. Never tell a loved one, you're too busy

  23. Do not keep issues with your partner over 24hrs.

  24. Give man money and find out his true colours

  25. Investigate before you invest

  26. Don't develop much love for free things

  27. There's a problem in the land where the king loves music too much

  28. Do good and never expect one in return

  29. Stop spending so much on people, expectation kills

  30. No one is always there for you except family

  31. At the point of death, people don't regret the things they've done but the things they couldn't do.

  32. Life is stormy, no one is free from it, those who thrive in it are people you call successful persons.

  33. Talk less and think more

  34. Never be afraid to think big

  35. Get settled or never waste your time on love life

  36. Never be friends again with someone who betrayed you.

  37. Do not announce your success

  38. Make your source of happiness a secret

  39. Try not to offend people, some will spend their whole life trying to payback

  40. Appreciate people for their efforts and kindness to you no matter how little it is.

  41. Whatever money cannot do, more money can do it.

  42. Happiness is natural and comes from within, it is not money dependent.

  43. Everyone is sick

  44. Never leave small fishes in search for a bigger one

  45. There's a great difference between ownership and possession.

  46. Helping others won't make you unsuccessful

  47. Every mistake is a lesson, take advantage of it

  48. If you have disabilities, you're special and can be extremely great

  49. Exercise daily and eat healthily, let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food.

  50. Blaming people (relatives) for not helping you is a bad habit

  51. Help people secure a job where and when possible, never seek for sex in return.

  52. Never give what you will regret losing ownership over it.

  53. Never abandon your parents at old age, that's when they need you the most.


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