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 Some of us have decided to create a world of fantasy for ourselves where we block out all our pains, sorrows and even our darkest secrets. We begin to envisage a haven even better than heaven where we can always be far away from all the bad energy that looms around us. Like Lee Roberts' Birches, we make our imagination come to life to seek a place of solace -----where we are at peace and our hearts know no sorrows. 
  Flash back to is an entirely different world. We come face to face with our worst fears, haunted by our terrible deeds of the past and live in anxiety about what the future holds. But in everything, we need to grow in an understanding of one thing: the things of this world are evanescent and not permanent. The highs and lows, the obstacles we have to tackle and quests we have conquer are only for a short while. The matters we commit our lives to indirectly create an identity but what is the assurance that these things won't fade? What guarantee do we have that all our endeavors, relationships and achievements won't diminish into thin air and lose its significance? 

   Hence, we need to be armed and prepared for whatever life throws at us---- by having a mindset that all of life is evanescent and we can get discombobulated by its ways but we have to stay strong. Change is inevitable, but when these changes are taking a negative form and the wheels of life are steering us towards a path we are unfamiliar with, we adjust our perceptions and live according to it cause in the end we only regret the chances we didnt take.

       Nevertheless, this evanescence births nostalgia. Since every moment does not last forever, we cling unto memories that are precious to us.  Some moments can always re-occur but even with that, they maybe never be exactly the same. Rewind to the days of  your childhood, the neighborhood you grew up in, the friendships you made that are now non-existent and the list could go on. We can only perceive them as memories and events that happened years ago. Therefore, when we look back at all of these, we are constantly reminded of the brevity of life and further encouraged to make the most of it while we can.

Always remember that life is like a mist, moments will always be evanescent but we can learn to seize them and produce memories that would be permanent. Unfortunate events and difficult situations only last for a short while if we are armed with determination, diligence and good ethics. 

And remember this - the happiest people dont have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything

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